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Thread: Rummy Steps Down

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Rummy Steps Down

    How nice of him.

    Rumsfeld quits; Bush taps Gates for post

    Associated Press Writers

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- After years of defending his secretary of defense, President Bush on Wednesday announced Donald H. Rumsfeld's resignation within hours of the Democrats' triumph in congressional elections. Bush reached back to his father's administration to tap a former CIA director to run the Pentagon.

    The Iraq war was the central issue of Rumsfeld's nearly six-year tenure, and unhappiness with the war was a major element of voter dissatisfaction Tuesday - and the main impetus for his departure. Even some GOP lawmakers in Congress became critical of the war's management, and growing numbers of politicians were urging Bush to replace Rumsfeld.

    Bush said Robert M. Gates, 63, who has served in a variety of national security jobs under six previous presidents, would be nominated to replace Rumsfeld. Gates, currently the president of Texas A&M University, is a Bush family friend and a member of an independent group studying the way ahead in Iraq.

    "Secretary Rumsfeld and I agreed that sometimes it's necessary to have a fresh perspective," Bush said in the abrupt announcement during a postelection news conference.

    In a later appearance at the White House with Rumsfeld and Gates at his side, Bush praised both men, thanked Rumsfeld for his service and predicted that Gates would bring fresh ideas.

    "The secretary of defense must be a man of vision who can see threats still over the horizon and prepare our nation to meet them. Bob Gates is the right man to meet both of these critical challenges," Bush said.

    In brief remarks, Rumsfeld described the Iraq conflict as a "little understood, unfamiliar war" that is "complex for people to comprehend."

    Asked whether Rumsfeld's departure signaled a new direction in a war that has claimed the lives of more than 2,800 U.S. troops and cost more than $300 billion, Bush said, "Well, there's certainly going to be new leadership at the Pentagon."

    Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Rumsfeld was not leaving immediately. Rumsfeld planned to deliver a speech on the global war on terrorism at Kansas State University on Thursday.

    Just last week Bush told reporters that he expected Rumsfeld, 74, to remain until the end of the administration's term. And although Bush said Wednesday that his decision to replace Rumsfeld was not based on politics, the announcement of a Pentagon shake-up came on the heels of Tuesday's voting, in which Democrats captured control of the House and could win control of the Senate if the remaining undecided race in Virginia goes their way.

    With his often-combative defense of the war in Iraq, Rumsfeld had been the administration's face of the conflict. He became more of a target - and more politically vulnerable - as the war grew increasingly unpopular at home amid rising violence and with no end in sight.

    Gates ran the CIA under the first President Bush during the first Gulf war. He retired from government in 1993.

    He joined the CIA in 1966 and is the only agency employee to rise from an entry level job to become director. A native of Kansas, he made a name for himself as an analyst specializing in the former Soviet Union and he served in the intelligence community for more than a quarter century, under six presidents.

    Numerous Democrats in Congress had been calling for Rumsfeld's resignation for many months, asserting that his management of the war and of the military had been a resounding failure. Critics also accused Rumsfeld of not fully considering the advice of his generals and of refusing to consider alternative courses of action.

    Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan and Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri - the top Democrats on the Armed Services committees - said the resignation would only be a positive step if accompanied by a change in policy.

    "I think it is critical that this change be more than just a different face on the old policy," Skelton said.

    Rumsfeld, 74, has served in the job longer than anyone except Robert McNamara, who became secretary of defense during the Kennedy administration and remained until 1968. Rumsfeld is the only person to have served in the job twice; his previous tour was during the Ford administration.

    Rumsfeld had twice previously offered his resignation to Bush - once during the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in spring 2004 and again shortly after that. Both times the president refused to let him leave.

    Gates took over the CIA as acting director in 1987, when William Casey was terminally ill with cancer. Questions were raised about Gates' knowledge of the Iran-Contra scandal, so he withdrew from consideration to take over the CIA permanently. Yet he stayed on as deputy director.

    Then-National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, who has been a critic of the younger Bush's policies, asked Gates to be his deputy in 1989 during the administration of Bush's father. President Bush, a former CIA director himself, asked him to run the CIA two years later. The scandal had faded and Gates won confirmation.

    After leaving government, Gates joined corporate boards and wrote a memoir, "From The Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War." It was published in 1996.

    Gates is a close friend of the Bush family, and particularly the first President Bush. He became the president of Texas A&M University in August 2002. The university is home to the presidential library of Bush's father.

    © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Just can't handle the pressure of thousands of grieving families huh?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    He cant handle the pressure of the incoming democrats.
    John says:
    so i had to dump acid into the block tank today
    i'm afraid to fap
    cause i got it on my hands

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Maryland, USA
    Maybe there is a God afterall...
    Go n-ithe an cat thu, is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

    When you go Home, Tell them for us and say 'For your tommorrow, We Gave Our Today.'

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mexico City, Mexico
    I'm glad to see him go! I hope he realizes that even by quiting, he's still gonna have to answer questions when he gets called to testify.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    East Coast of the United States
    Quote Originally Posted by taz_rocks_miami
    I'm glad to see him go! I hope he realizes that even by quiting, he's still gonna have to answer questions when he gets called to testify.
    Even if he didn't quit, he still would need to answer questions. It's better to quit. He did the smart thing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    “fresh perspective”
    Perhaps he is the fall guy so Bush can now try to appeal to public pressure and blame the Sec of defence.
    Rummy has jacked the share price of his favourite companies so I don’t think we need worry about his future prospects. It will be very interesting to see what board he ends up on or what “advisory roles” he gets.
    Actually I think it has worked out perfectly for both of them.
    "A string is approximately nine long."
    Egg Nogg 02-04-2005, 05:07 AM

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    All I can say is... About f***ing time!!
    2011 Honda Civic Si

    ATHEIST and damn proud of it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mexico City, Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by crisis
    “fresh perspective”
    Perhaps he is the fall guy so Bush can now try to appeal to public pressure and blame the Sec of defence.
    Rummy has jacked the share price of his favourite companies so I don’t think we need worry about his future prospects. It will be very interesting to see what board he ends up on or what “advisory roles” he gets.
    Actually I think it has worked out perfectly for both of them.
    You have a point crisis, but both Bush and Rummy have been humiliated. Bush said time and time again that the Sec Def would be around untill the end of his term in office. Rumsfeld also said he would never resign. While it's true that niether will suffer serious consequences, they both got owned!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by taz_rocks_miami
    You have a point crisis, but both Bush and Rummy have been humiliated. Bush said time and time again that the Sec Def would be around untill the end of his term in office. Rumsfeld also said he would never resign. While it's true that niether will suffer serious consequences, they both got owned!!!
    I get the feeling the American people tend to hold their leaders in much higher regard than Australians in general. Sh!t even a clown like Reagan is revered in certain (albeit questionable )circles. The ownage should be just beginning for them both so it will be interesting to see what price they will pay for their deceptions and for plunging the world into this current cycle of violent retribution.
    "A string is approximately nine long."
    Egg Nogg 02-04-2005, 05:07 AM

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Stop looking at me! Look at me! Stop looking at me!
    Rummy was let go as a sacrifice to the new powers that be, and as a slap in the face to Rove for failing in these elections. Bush is distancing himself from the neocons, just as neocons like Perle are talking crap about him. The whole republican machine is starting to creak and groan, the hyenas are starting to nip at each other.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by crisis
    It will be very interesting to see what board he ends up on or what “advisory roles” he gets.
    Rumours are that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is keen to get him on board
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Rozenburg, Holland
    Quote Originally Posted by crisis
    I get the feeling the American people tend to hold their leaders in much higher regard than Australians in general.
    If i had to choose between American leaders and Australians in general I might have a serious problem too
    "I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting, but it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously." Douglas Adams

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    ^ ooooh, low blow. but to be fair almost the entirety of our parliament are blood sucking leeches or just outright dickheads.

    well it's come as no suprise to anyone really this resignation - what did surprise me was the rigidity and solidarity of the bush administration through this whole debarcle. there have been few major people who have fallen by the wayside - a sign that the administration has, if only in covering their asses, learnt from the past.

    What does Bush care now? it's all about ensuring the Legacy of his presidency at the moment and making sure history views his actions with rose-tinted nostalgia. God knows world instability and pissing off the middle east are things to be proud of
    <cough> </cough>

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by henk4
    If i had to choose between American leaders and Australians in general I might have a serious problem too
    As IBreak said. Ours get the respect they deserve.
    "A string is approximately nine long."
    Egg Nogg 02-04-2005, 05:07 AM

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