I will concede that I might come across as anti-American.

The thread about "Who needs friends..." (should) raise some interesting points for dicussion.

Should America, a country who are targeted by terrorists, because they object to the way America "treats" Middle Eastern countries*, distance itself from its (few, after the political debacle sparked by the war in Iraq) allies, by treating all visitors as criminals?

*I know that the terrorists are wrong, and misguided in their thinking, but they don't seem keen to change their minds.

I am genuinely interested to know how American citizens would feel if suddenly all other countries suddenly demanded that Americans entering a foreign country would have to apply for a visa from an embassey, be photographed, fingerprinted, and that that information would be passed to the intelligence services.

I am not a particularly great fan of American automobiles for various reasons, so I tend to end up arguing "against" rather than "for".

But just because I am not a fan of your cars or government's policies, doesn't mean I hate all Americans.