This is the thread where you can come and post the first car that you ever drove and all the details about how you drove, if it was good, bad, or indifferent. Oh yeah, and tell us how you liked the way the car drove and everything.

I'll start it out -
First car ever drove was a 1994 Buick skylark, me and my dad went out and he gave me a few lessons on how to drive, and i really sucked at driving. I mean really, i didnt know much about it, i mean i had one foot on the gas pedal and one on the brake and i would make the car jump every time I started to go. oh yea, i didnt even know how to turn on the blinker

But for the car, it was pretty bad. real bad shape, drove like crap and made funny noises and was hard to steer too. but now, i drive like a pro and know everything

next !