As some of you may already know I dropped out of college last October, and I've been looking at new programs I could follow. However, I haven't found anything interesting, seems like there's no interesting career opportunities around my part of the world. So I've been thinking I could possibly move elsewhere, and after a relatively short thinking period I selected Europe as my continent of choice.

The problem is, where to? Being French yields France as the obvious country to move to, but I'd like to see if there are (and I'm sure there are) other awesome places I could move to. Basically, dear European members, promote your city!

I don't intend to move anywhere before at least two years, so I can save enough to have a good start wherever I go, and obviously to give myself the time to obtain all the necessary visas etc. to work and live legally in whichever country I'll go. The only restriction is that I can't afford to live in cities where everything cost an arm and a leg.

I may or may not move over there, but right now I'm ultimately bored of where I live and moving elsewhere would be awesome.

Thanks in advance for your help!