Quote Originally Posted by F1_Master View Post
This is probably off, but let's say 50 cars are done per 180 days (about 6 months). There's about 90 something folks, so we'll say 50 are devoted to the cars. That means 100 cars are done every year. GT5 started production in 2005. With a release date of 2008, that means the game would ship with 350-400 cars (sounds reasonable considering current info).
Ok, so with 400 (max), that leaves 9,600 cars. Divide that by 100. 96.

The entire work force of Polyphony would be dead before even 8,000 cars are done, and ready for download.

Also, let's face it guys, 10,000 cars is overkill. GT4 had 721 cars, and most people won't drive half of them anyway.