While driving on the highway, the oilpump of my 306 Gti6 decided to quit it's job.
The engine was scrap so i started searching for a new heart online.
I found a couple but also found a 405 T16 engine (not the same as the one used in the 205 T16).
I knew that it would fit and after doing some more research i decided to buy it.
The project is not finished yet, some electrical probs
Also, when it's all sorted, the engine will get a nice overhaul

After (trial fitting here).

The 6 itself

Spoox engine mounts for the T16:

When everything doesn't blow up, the 6 will go from 167bhp @ 6500rpm and 197nm torque @ 5000rpm to 220bhp @ 6500rpm and 318nm torque @ 2500rpm.
@ 6500rpm, aprox. 270nm is left so it should have no problem
Planning to buy a standalone engine management and an intercooler.
It has a chargecooler atm but that thing is using the coolantsystem.
Any tips and suggestions are welcome