Looks like your going to win it sooo....

Congratulations Revolution

Quote Originally Posted by Competition Rules
• Photo must be taken in Gran Turismo 4.
• Photo can not be edited through any other means becides the Photo-lab at the in-game garage.
• Competition will alternate themes. Every odd week is the open comp where all pictures are acceptable, on even weeks the theme will be chosen by the winner of the prior competition. Themes can include: rally, flying cars, cars by brand, tracks, etc.
• Picture MUST be in the format of 800x600 or 600x800 to be acceptable in the competition and to coincide with UltimateCarPage.com's rule regarding inline images.
• Pictures should be no more than 30 days old. This can not be tested so please use the honor system.
• Competition will last one week, beginning on Wednesdays with a vote starting on Tuesday and lasting exactly one day.
• Having friends/family intentionally vote for you or the creation of multiple accounts will not be tolerated. If it is caught, it will result in a two-week Disqualification. Also, you can not vote for yourself in the polls.
• Once a photo is submitted, it is final. No if's and's or but's. (suggestions allowed)
• No late entries are permitted. Photo should be submitted before voting thread is made by yours truly.
• Good luck, may the best member win.
Even week..

So, what's the theme Revolution?