Quote Originally Posted by ZeTurbo View Post
im sure its an april fool's joke
In my experience, April Fool's pranks pulled by newspapers tend to be lighthearted, witty attempts at fooling the public that are intended not to upset or offend. Things like stories about comedy alien abductions, or like the BBC's classic story about a drought that was drastically affecting spaghetti trees in Italy and damaging Italian cuisine etc. Any April Fools that are aimed at public figures are likely to be a bit of gentle lampooning.

Publishing pictures of someone in a 5-hour Nazi S&M session all over a Sunday newspaper is not what I would call gentle or lighthearted. Apart from anything, if proven to be false then the paper could easily end up being sued for 7/8/9 figure sums in damages from Mosley. I can't see a newspaper, even one as rich as the NOTW, risking so much financially just for the sake of a bit of fun for April Fools.

I could be wrong, but I have my doubts.