Quote Originally Posted by Matra et Alpine
cheers Z, proving why posting results at lower res would confuse and make folsk think it was good. Those numbers you're comparing were done at higher res than nc was running.

nc, you need to make sure what you post matches what you think You cited 1280 in your first post. So how is it "comparable" for you as you said you normally ruin 1280 ? If not intending to "compare with others" then why post them at all without making it clear it was at a lwoer res ? and you did start the "e-penis" thing by posting, granted others pointed out that's what it was the phrase used by todays youth I believe is OWNED.

My last words on it are you need to read posts IN ORDER as you're confused and playing up far too much. "essaying" only ocurred because you tried to say it was on "standard resolution".

It's a common mistake for '06 users to run on old '03 or '05 "standard" resolutions. I cut-and-pasted from FutureMarks document as clearly you hadn't realised this. The horse was led to the water, shame it died of dehydration.
I only mentioned 1280x1024 for my games. If you want comparisons at the same resolution, then here:

8800GTX: 11915
7900GT: 6500
X1900GT: 6000

All benchmarks I've done with my previous hardwares were all on 1024x768, therefore I can only make valid comparisons if I run my 8800 on the same resolution. Enough clarification? Done with criticisms? I just can't believe that I get bitched just because I left out a little detail, which you thought it was intentional until I clarified. I never intended to start with brags and e-penis at the first place, all I did was writing a review and you guys walked in accusing me of starting this crap. I just thought that many people would be interested to know about this card, hence about half of my review was the overview of this card. Why don't you go off to every review site saying that they love their e-penis?

Oh and that "bragging rights activated" thing in my sig is what I copied from Newegg when they were advertising for 7950GX2, and for a disclaimer, I'm not try to brag about it just because it's in my sig, and I always put my overclocks in my sig so this card shouldn't be an exception.